Letter in the Attic exhibition and Archives Roadshow

The Letter in the Attic project is collecting letters and diaries related to Brighton and Hove
The oldest letters collected so far are from William Vine, a Brighton windmill owner writing in the 1830s

You are invited to an Archives Roadshow by the Letter in the Attic project. Come and get free professional advice on looking after your own family or community archive or other precious documents! You can also see the fascinating range of letters and diaries that we’ve been collecting.

Thinking of coming? Please let us know!

Saturday 14th June, 11 -3 pm
Jubilee Library, Brighton

Professional advice
You can take advantage of ‘antiques roadshow’ sessions where professional archivists will advise you on the care of personal papers and photos in the home.

Stories from the attic
Our contributors will bring along their letters and diaries and tell the stories that lie behind them.

Exhibitions and displays
There’ll be exhibitions and displays of material from the East Sussex Record Office, the Mass Observation archive, QueenSpark Books and My Brighton and Hove.

Tell us about your own letters, diaries, memoirs and other personal papers
We’re still collecting new material.  So bring along your own papers and we’ll tell you how they can be added to the Letter in the Attic archive. You don’t need to part with the original documents if you don’t want to.

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