Community Archives and Local Studies Training Day
This training event, jointly organised by the SoA North West Region and the CILIP Local Studies Group North West, gives archivists and local studies librarians the chance to learn from the experiences of a variety of established projects, and to gain an insight into the work and resources of the Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Resource Centre at the University of Manchester.
Aims and Objectives
This course will be of interest to archivists or local studies librarians who are already involved in a community venture or who would like to establish links with their communities.
10.00 Coffee and registration
10.30 Julie Devonald and Jackie Ould, Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Resource Centre, University of Manchester: An introduction to the work of the Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Resource Centre and Education Trust and issues that have arisen from collecting minority histories
11.00 Sian Roberts and Izzy Mohammed, Birmingham City Archives Connecting Histories Project: What does Connecting Histories do? How has it involved the communities in Birmingham? How has it diversified the workforce to respond to community needs?
11.45 Lunch
12.45 Alice Lock, Tameside Local Studies and Archives Centre Oral History Project: Can oral history be used to create a record of minority communities and give them a stake in local studies services? What successes and pitfalls emerged from the Tameside Project to record memories of people from the Indian sub continent?
1.30 Kevin Bolton, Manchester Archives and Local Studies, ‘Queer Archives Up North’: What were our initial aims? How have we engaged with Manchester’s LGBT community and formed partnerships? How have we increased access to our existing LGBT collections and encouraged new deposits? What other benefits has this brought?
2.15 Coffee break
2.45 Mervyn Busteed, former Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Manchester: The researcher’s point of view: the joys and frustrations of working with sources on Manchester’s Irish community
3.30 Speaker plenary and tours of the Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Resource Centre
4.30 Close
CRIC Conference Suite, 10th Floor, Harold Hankins Building, Precinct Centre, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9QH
Charge (lunch included)
£40.00 SoA/CILIP members
£45 Non members
To book places please use the SoA Booking Form:
Forms should be downloaded, filled in and returned to the Society of Archivists office.
For further information on the training day please contact David Govier on or 0161 234 1980.
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