Here you can explore the hundreds of community archives listed on this site. You can also find archives on our interactive map. If you can’t see a particular archive listed, please add it to the directory.
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Edinburgh Collected is an online community archive where people can share, explore and discuss their memories of Edinburgh.
Prior to Now is a website about the development of Combe Down and Monkton Combe area, near Bath.
The Washburn Archive is a collection of over 12,000 items with particular relevance to the Washburn Valley in North Yorkshire. The ...
The Weardale Museum is an accredited but small, volunteer run, folk museum whose mission is to preserve and protect the history and heritage of this area of County Durham.
The North Staffordshire Railway Company is the registered museum guardian of an extensive collection of original North Staffordshire Railway memorabilia and other items associated with railways in the local area.
The role of the Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Archive Service is to locate, collect and preserve archives relating to past and present life in Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent and to make them available to the people of Staffordshire and its visitors.
Featured archives
How long does copyright last? This accessible flowchart from the National Archives is ideal for quick reference.
The Scattery Island Heritage Group (SIHG) came into being in 2012 with a view to preserving, honouring and sharing the rich and varied heritage of Scattery Island. The current Scattery Island Heritage group is partly derived from Kilrush Community Development (KCDL).
Tyneside-based Workie Ticket Theatre CIC is a female-led theatre company that aims to amplify unheard voices by creating projects to work with disadvantaged groups and use drama as a tool to engage the socially isolated whilst exploring issues that affect their lives.
The Liberties Weavers is a voluntary community group dedicated to breathing new life into the 1000 years of history, weaving and textile production in the Liberties, in the centre of Dublin.
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