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About the Community Archives and Heritage Group (CAHG)

The Community Archives and Heritage Group (CAHG) is a national group which aims to support and promote community archives in the UK & Ireland.

We bring together bodies and organisations concerned with community archives, and provide a forum for the regular exchange of views and information.

Our annual conference and awards

Since 2006, we have organised an annual conference, and we sometimes run regional conferences as well.

In 2011 we awarded our first Community Archive & Heritage Awards, to celebrate the importance of community archives and to promote best practice.  We now hold an awards competition each year.

Resources and newsletter

We have developed Resources specifically for community archives, in particular a set of cataloguing guidelines.

You can keep in touch with our activities via Twitter @CArchives and subscribe to our an e-mail newsletter.

Constitution and membership

Until 2009, the Community Archives and Heritage Group was run on an informal basis by a group of interested volunteers and professionals. To give us a proper foundation, in June 2009 we adopted a constitution.  Membership is free and open to anyone. We invite you to become a member.

CAHG is now a Special Interest Group of ARA (UK & Ireland)

Vision statement

Our vision statement can be read here.


A short video, discussing what is the Community Archives & Heritage Group, can be viewed here.

Download our constitution below.


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