This month an exhibition – called The Street of 1000 children – has opened at Salford Lads Club.
It traces all the families that have lived in this former docks community in Ordsall, Salford, Lancashire, since it was built in 1903.
Forty years ago Rudman Street echoed to the sound of playing children. In 1966, the Salford road was dubbed “The Street of 1000 children” and was immortalised in a short-lived magazine called Salford Comet and featured on TV.
Even though the street teemed with (only!) 304 youngsters, the name and the image stuck.
In Spring 2007, 300 children were “borrowed” from schools on the nearby estate to recreate the street of the 60s.
The street was formerley cobbled and narrow with sixty houses. Half the red-bricked street has since been knocked down. Now the road is tree-lined and the houses still standing have neat front gardens. It is called Rudman Drive.
The exhibition opened on June 16th 2007 and will run for three weekends.
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My grandad lived in 29 rudman street in 1947 after he was born in hope hospital his grandmother was Mrs Ethel Johnson , my grandad had a twin brother tony Johnson his cousin was mentioned as living at number 29 rudman street in 1960s his Name is Kenneth Johnson we are trying to trace him we don’t know if he’s still lives there .
Does kenneth johnson still live at 29 rudman drive as my dad use to live there as a boy and use to play with his cousin kenneth. My dads name is Brian johnson his tein is Tony and they had another Brother Graham.We are trying to trace him so my dad can see him after all these years all we know is that kenneth lived there in 1966 with his wife and 2 children. My dad left rudman street when he was 4 as they moved to dorset.
Aww brings back so many memories. Me and my family lived on rndman street in the 80’s I loved the time and people I spent there. Miss it so much. The picture takes me back to when I was a little girl.
very interesting for me being a rudman !
***I think rudmans migrated north with oliver cromwells army and stayed with local girls! i was informed of this by another rudman in australia who investigating the family rudman .
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