Talking Archives: Oral History in the 21st Century
This conference is hosted by the Film, Sound & Photography Group of the Society of Archives.
The field of oral history is developing fast; new methodologies and new technologies have enabled fresh approaches to be made in this unique discipline. With the growth of community archives and increasing opportunities for cross-domain collaboration, oral history is a modern documentary source with which all archivists should be familiar. The validity and value of oral testimony in providing authentic documentary evidence is being increasingly recognised by researchers and information professionals alike – archivists need to keep abreast of developments in this exciting field.
The Film, Sound & Photography Group are delighted to host this one-day conference in which delegates will get the opportunity to hear from four speakers, each involved in exciting ventures at the forefront of oral history in the United Kingdom. Delegates will hear about new projects, the latest technology and exciting ways of delivering oral history to users. Delegates will also have an opportunity to participate in a round-table discussion with the speakers.
Whether you’re an archivist or not, if you’re involved in oral history, interested in oral history, or about to begin an oral history project, then this conference will provide you with a unique opportunity to explore where oral history in the UK is presently at – and where it’s heading!
Wednesday 20th June 2007 10.30am – 16.00pm
The Meeting Place, 231 North Gower Street, London, NW1 2NR
Julian Stray – The British Postal Museum & Archive
Colin Hyde – East Midlands Oral History Archive, University of Leicester
Dr Rob Perks – National Life Stories, The British Library Sound Archive
Annette Day – Museum of London
SoA members – £60; Non-members – £75
(lunch and refreshments will be provided – any special considerations for diet should be made known during booking)
Places are strictly limited. If you would like to book a place, please use the official booking form on the SoA website (
Further details:
Martin Devereux (
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