Next Steps: Caring for Community Archives webinar series is presented in partnership between Scottish Council on Archives and National Records of Scotland, and includes presentations from archivists at Aberdeen City & Aberdeenshire Archives. The 30 minutes sessions are designed to provide an enjoyable and informative insight for anyone working or volunteering in community archives and heritage groups.
Following on from our popular First Steps: Caring for Community Archives workshops held across the country, this new webinar series will develop skills and ideas, exploring topics in more detail. The webinars are free to attend and there will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions and discuss any particular concerns or ideas you have.
Weekly sessions
These 35 minute sessions will run every Monday morning at 10:30am, and come along to as many as you like. It will be an enjoyable, interactive, and practical session, beginning with an expert giving a short presentation followed by discussion and an opportunity to ask your questions. You can even send your questions in advance – and we will try and get through as many as we can.
More detail about each session can be found on the events pages, and please register through Eventbrite for each session you would like to attend. When possible, we will send a link to the First Steps presentation and other useful links.
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