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New web-based resource for community archives launched

Image copyright Gloucestershire Archives

Are you a community or family archivist who would like some friendly guidance and support? If so, the new web resource created by archive professionals at Gloucestershire Archives could be just what you‘re looking for.

This new, online training covers aspects of collection care, collections management,  digital preservation and oral history interviewing. It will help you make wise choices on storage and packaging, suggests how to organise and catalogue your items and sets out what to cover when taking in new material for your archive. It also contains non- technical, down to earth advice on how to keep digital records safe into the future, and sets out how to capture memories as spoken histories. Plus there are sections looking at how copyright and data protection affect archives which should help with those knotty issues. Each section ends by flagging up other sources of information which will help you explore the topic in more detail.

You can access the resource via the “Heritage Hub online training” button on the front page of the Gloucestershire Heritage Hub website. Do dip in and have a look.

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