The Big Society is nothing new here
GoldenDays, the 50th Anniversary archive of the South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, will stay on-line and active in 2011, although it won’t have a me as a paid officer to work on it. I always knew my 18 month Heritage Lottery Funded contract would come to an end in 2010. There’s a great AONB volunteer who I hope will continue to be involved as ‘editor-in-chief’.
In many ways Big Society is nothing new here. This AONB is home to a high proportion of affluent retired professionals who are already active volunteers, and local history seems to be a growing field of interest for this group in society. I do worry that more marginal groups will be increasingly overlooked though, with less active outreach done by people in paid posts.
This is my own view, rather than the view of the organisation.
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