Concerned about funds for museums, libraries and record centres
My main concern is if funds are reduced or even stopped to museums, libraries and record centres. The cost may have to be met by private sponsorship and the public.
If run by private sponsorship, this will without doubt end up with staff reductions and the public having to meet some of the costs. This will have a devastating effect on all research groups, especially the smaller groups such as ourselves.
At the moment we are extremely lucky that we have keen and experienced staff in both the record office and our libraries, who are very keen and have always been there to guide us. If a reduction happens this ultimately affects the researchers, and added to the costs will have a devastating long term effect concluding in many groups closing.
We are self funding organisation, with the current economic climate and with many demands on our finances there is a limit to how much individuals can put to such a hobby.
P.S. This is my own view and does not necessary represent the view of the other members.
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