Air photographs for your community archive

Folkestone, February 1920, AFL03/Aerofilms/80
Haunchwood Works, Nuneaton, 1926, AFL03/Aerofilms/15045
The Queen Mary fitting out at Clydebank, August 1935, AFL03/Aerofilms/48769

English Heritage has recently acquired the Aerofilms Collection of more than one million historic air images of Britain which date from 1919 to 2006. The collection is now held at the National Monuments Record (NMR) and has been saved for the nation in partnership with the National Monuments Records for Scotland and Wales .

The Aerofilms Collection covers urban, suburban and rural landscapes from the end of World War I to the beginning of the twenty-first century. Almost every British settlement, industry and natural environment is included. It is also the only major source of air photographs pre-dating World War II. Shown here are three examples of the many different subjects covered by the collection.

Unfortunately, we are not able to provide full access to the collection at present.   Around 80% of the images are negatives with no photographic prints for researchers to view. We need to conserve these fragile negatives before we can scan them to make an image that people can look at. The collection is also un-catalogued which makes it very hard to find images for researchers. This is where we need your help.

We would like to know what you think about the Aerofilms Collection as this will help us plan for its future. We would like to send you a selection of images to view with a few short questions to give us your thoughts about the collection.   We will try to send you relevant pictures for your archive which you are welcome to share amongst your community.   Please pass on our request to anyone you know who has an interest in community, local or family history!

If you would like to take part please contact Katy Whitaker on 01793 414495 or email by 10 November 2008. We would like your completed questionnaire returned by 21 November 2008.

Thank you for your help.

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