Here are some of the resource pages put together by other organisations, including local and national bodies
Community Archives Toolkit, Scottish Archives (link to external website)
Comprehensive and well-organised guidance for community archives, covering topics from Collections Care to Legal Matters.
Source: Scottish Council on Archives, undated
Community archives toolkit from Norfolk Archives (link to external website)
Guidance and resources for community archive groups
Source: Norfolk archives, 2021
Good practice guidance from the Heritage Fund (link to external website)
Guidance provided to help projects. Includes support with meeting Heritage Fund outcomes, grant applications or establishing objectives.
Source: Heritage Fund, undated
Hampshire Archives (link to external website)
A concise set of basic guidelines.
Source: Hampshire archives, no date
Heritage Hub online training (link to external website)
This web resource created by archive professionals at Gloucestershire Archives covers aspects of collection care, collections management, digital preservation and oral history interviewing.
Source: Gloucestershire Archives
Oral History Society
Excellent and up to date guidance on collecting oral history, and conducting ethical and legal interviews, can be found from the Oral History Society in the UK.
Sporting Heritage toolkit
Here you will find guidance and support on how to manage, care and celebrate your heritage.
Source: Sporting Heritage, 2021
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