
WISEArchive believes that people both retired and still at work have made an important contribution to society in the course of their working lives and are a valuable source of knowledge and experience which should be recorded and preserved for future generations.

The second half of the twentieth century was a period of increasingly rapid change in the workplace. Employees and management had to adapt as new skills and ideas, new technologies, new health and safety legislation and much more were implemented. Unions became stronger and some established working practices and jobs became obsolete. The workplace continues to see much change as we progress through the twenty-first century.

This archive aims to preserve stories of working lives, mainly in Norfolk, using transcribed recordings. Most of the stories have been edited, but the words are those of the contributors, as are the opinions. Many also include audio clips. The archive is constantly expanding with all work carried out by volunteers.

The website www.wisearchive.co.uk contains over 400 stories and in 2020 WISEArchive issued a 300-page book Life and Work on the Broads 1920-2020 as part of the Water, Mills & Marshes partnership.

This archive entry was last updated on 05/07/2023. Information incorrect or out-of-date?