The Men of Worth Project CIC

The Men of Worth Project researches local people who served the country in wartime.

We follow all currently available sources of information that we can find, and use the information in these sources to create a biography about each person for our archive. This is displayed in the form of a time-line of their life and accompanied by photographs if we have them.

We do this simply because we believe their stories should be preserved and told to future generations. We do not support war and we certainly do not celebrate it. A great deal of the people we have researched died defending their position and we simply recognise that and do not judge them.

We are also researching local conscientious objectors (who obviously did not serve) and their treatment, because they were part of our society at the time and we hope anyone examining the reasons for this may find our research on them useful.
In 2021 we received the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service for our efforts to share our work with local people.

This archive entry was last updated on 01/04/2022. Information incorrect or out-of-date?