Oxfordshire Family History Society
Do you have ancestors from Oxfordshire?
Oxfordshire Family History Society has a wide range of resources for everyone researching genealogy in the county.
The range of research tools available for use at the research centre - the "Holford Centre" - is continually being extended, but currently includes :-
Parish register and monumental inscription transcripts
Pedigree charts and birth briefs
International Genealogical Index (IGI)
Reference books
Society search services
Exchange journals
During the hours when theĀ Holford Centre is open - see our website below - expert advice is also available, and the use of Broadbannd computers is free of charge. Admission is also free too.
The Society's lending libraries of books and exchange journals are based at the Holford Centre, so that members can borrow books and journals by visiting the centre. The library catalogue is available online.
Purchases can be made from the Society's bookstall during centre opening hours.
The society also holds meetings, an annual Open Day and many other events of interest to the typical family historian.