Nowthen Dewsbury
NowThen Dewsbury aims to provide easy access to archive and museum resources, allowing community groups and schools to engage with their local history.
The NowThen website, alongside the This Is Our History project, helps a variety of groups to record their own history enabling the archives to offer practical help and support to a range of groups. The website is currently undergoing some changes to make community archives from Bradford, Leeds and Dewsbury accessible to a wider audience. The website lets people learn about the local area from the people who know it best.
The website holds a range of resources including historic maps, documents, census data, photographs and oral histories. The resources show how these areas have changed and allow people to tell their own history in their own words.
NowThen has brought together partners from West Yorkshire Archive Service, West Yorkshire Archaeology Service and Kirklees Cultural Services. This Is Our History has been funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and ASDA.