North Curry Archives

North Curry Archives in the Loft above the Community Coffee Shop, are maintained under the terms of a Trust and comprise donated or loaned artefacts, memorabilia, title deeds, documents, local family history records and photographs of people, places and events relating to North Curry and the surrounding villages.

No charge is made for visits to the Archives, but contributions towards expenses are always appreciated.  Copies of documents, if available for release, can be made available at cost and on the same basis, photographs can be digitally enhanced or copies made.  Photographic exhibitions are mounted regularly on the staircase, and an annual display in the coffee shop.

The Archivist, Mrs Betty Koppa has been collecting anything and everything about the village and its residents since l947 and donated her entire collection to the Archives when  they opened in 2006.

North Curry Archives enjoy the patronage of the North Curry Society and North Curry Parish Council and have benefitted from the generosity of volunteers in the coffee shop, who have donated their share of the profits for the maintenance and upkeep of the Loft and its contents.

A leaflet about the Archives is available on request and one on the Bijou Cinema – the smallest cinema in the country -is on sale at 50p,  as well as other publications about North Curry and its past as published by the North Curry Society. The archives has an internet connection and its email address is accessed daily.

Access to the archives is through the coffee shop which is open Tuesday to Sunday 10am to 5pm but to ensure that the archives are open, telephone Mrs Betty Koppa on 01823 490404

Trustees: John de Winton (Chairman) Betty Koppa (Archivist )Alan Billinghurst (current Chair of the North Curry Society) and Mary Tate.

This archive entry was last updated on 08/07/2019. Information incorrect or out-of-date?