Milford Street Bridge Project, Salisbury, Wiltshire

The first mural, representing buildings and characters from the local area, was completed in 2011.
Mural painted by Fred Fieber and Anthony Woodward
One of the many lovely photos of the area of Salisbury around the Milford Street Bridge which can be seen on our website.

When people think of Salisbury they think of the Cathedral, the Market, and Stonehenge. But what of the history of the ordinary working people of the city?

Our website concentrates on a small area of back streets where people lived, worked and played: a community that was irrevocably changed by the construction of the Ring Road in the late 1960′s.

We have gathered an archive of oral history, photographs and research which we have used to create two very large roadside murals in the city. The website shares more of the archive, and also includes a self guided heritage trail utilising oral history clips, plus educational resources for primary school children.

This archive entry was last updated on 11/04/2017. Information incorrect or out-of-date?