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Our vision statement

CAHG strategic priorities 2021 –2023

Our vision

We want to see:

Inclusive and sustainable community archives, making a difference and creating an enduring legacy.

Our mission

Our purpose is:

To help community archive and heritage groups in the UK and Ireland make the biggest impact they can.

Our values

We will:

  • Be strong in our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion as a guiding thread throughout all that we do.
  • Work collaboratively and build equitable partnerships.
  • Know that mutual support, empathy, respect and kindness are actions.
  • Use our resources wisely to create more value for more people.
  • Work to reduce our impact on the environment and help and encourage groups to do the same.

Strategic aims

Community archives support diverse memories and identities. We will build on this strength, learn from each other, facilitate partnerships and share best practice.

To deliver our vision we will put groups and their collections at the heart of everything we do.

Over the next three years:

  • We will continue to celebrate innovation and best practice within our annual awards scheme.
  • We will promote learning and skills development – to help community archives make the most of digital technologies, and to facilitate the long-term sustainability of their collections.
  • We will enhance the guidance and advice on our website.
  • We will deliver an extended programme of workshops and conferences (both online and offline).
  • We will grow the collaborative spaces of our regional networks.

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