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Elaine Davis

Elaine Davis

I became a member of CAHG in 2009 after attending the group’s third conference, held at the University College London. The theme for the conference was sustainability and one of the considerations on the day was the future of CAHG itself which, to widen participation in its work, had just become a membership body. I signed up straight away!

A heritage education background

My background is in archaeology, local history and education. I have worked as an Outreach Officer for English Heritage and a teacher for children with Special Education Needs. After joining the CAHG committee in 2009 I became the website administrator. In this role I had the privilege of working more closely with many of the varied community archive groups which are part of CAHG. I witnessed the passion and commitment to the collection and care of community archives and the power these archives have to bring people together.

I stepped down as website administrator in 2017 but continue as a member of the committee.  I now work as Engagement Officer for Chippenham Museum where I have established a community archive which celebrates the town’s local music scene and its iconic 1980s-night club Goldiggers.

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