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Community Archives & Heritage Groups Scotland (CAHG Scotland) 

This is a two-year pilot programme funded by ARA UK & Ireland to create a network of Scottish Community Archives and Heritage Groups. Our aim is to celebrate the diversity of groups in Scotland and build on expertise and skills. We want to form a supportive environment of professionals and volunteers, ultimately becoming a one-stop shop where you can ask for advice, access training, facilitate a dialogue between professionals and volunteers. All our events are free and everyone from everywhere is welcome. If you are a volunteer and would like to be involved in the CAHG Scotland committee or would like to know more about it, please email Audrey Wilson.


Some of the highlights this year from Community Engagement events have been:

Care of Sound and Moving Image Collections

Novice to Know How, DPC designed Digital Preservation Course.

Sporting Memories Café

Thinking ahead

We have organised the Next Steps: Caring for Community Archives. After the success of our Archive tour of Scotland we are delighted to run in Feb and March 2021, a follow-up digital friendly series of short webinars on all the subjects covered in First Steps: Caring for Community. We are also going to include oral history, something not covered in last year’s tour.

Our other webinar series, Developing Your Digital Skills is the result of a short survey. We will be helping community archives and heritage groups navigate the pitfalls of digitising your collections, understanding copyright, and preserving it for many years to come.

Continuing into 2021 will be the Community Heritage Conversations. The last two webinars have been a huge success and continue to grow in popularity.

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