Community Archives and Heritage Group (CAHG) Conference 2012


The Community Archives & Heritage Group (CAHG) will be holding its national conference for and about community archives on Wednesday 27 June 2012.

History matters – Community Archives and Learning

The Campaign for Learning defines learning as “a process of active engagement with experience. It is what people do when they want to make sense of the world.” Learning Power ‘A contribution to the national skills strategy’ Titus Alexander, Director for Learning, The Scarman Trust

Community archives embrace experience and provide a unique opportunity to inspire and enhance teaching and learning through active engagement, combining reflection, understanding and the chance to develop new skills whilst exploring and challenging the perception of groups or communities.

During the day delegates will hear about projects which are using archives to engage students in schools and higher education as well as a project exploring the involvement of young people in community archives and archaeology.

Keynote Speaker

We are very pleased this year to have Dr Nick Barratt as our keynote speaker.

A well know researcher and presenter Nick Barratt has been involved in several TV shows associated with archives and family and community history such as Who Do You Think You Are and Hidden House Histories.

Nick himself says, “Modern community archives stand at the crossroads, and need to choose the path forward carefully. On the one hand, they need to preserve, interpret and share community memory in all forms, including oral history, written record, photography which lends itself increasingly towards digitisation; yet there is little money available to sustain community archives, given the squeeze being felt on public sector archives face challenges of their own from commercialisation pressures. The key to making community archives sustainable and relevant is to engage with mainstream education, and work with schools to set up and run long-term archiving projects that involve all sectors of the community, whilst providing skills to the students as they personalise their learning journey.” His talk will show how – and why – community archives can bridge the gap between state-run acquisition archives, and project-based activities that bring so many benefits to a community.

CAHG Awards

This is the first year that CAHG has run an Awards competition.  The standard of the 63 entries was high. In fact it was so high and varied that the overall winner and each of the category winners have been invited to give a short presentation at the conference.

If you are wanting ideas then these talks are a must!

Over lunch there will be ample time for discussion and networking.

Book your FREE place

Places are limited so book your free place now. !rawcontent

Who is the conference for?

The conference is aimed at anyone with an interest in community archives and heritage, from professional archivists, librarians, curators and heritage workers to small independent community groups.


The conference will again be co-hosted with University College London, Department of Information Studies, Robert’s Building, Bloomsbury Campus and is free to attend.

Coffee and Registration from 10.00

Tea and close at 15.30

Refreshments and lunch provided free

Community Archive & Heritage Group AGM

CAHG will be holding its annual general meeting during the morning session. Further information about CAHG and an online membership form can be found here

Any questions?

If have any queries about the conference, please contact Elaine Davis

Download the conference programme


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