Trull Parish Archive Group
Trull Parish Archive Group was formed in autumn 2010. It acts under the joint auspices of All Saints Parish Church, which celebrated its 700th anniversary in 2008, and Trull Parish Council, both of which make it an annual grant. The extensive collection, which covers a wide range of both church and civil subjects, is now housed in two adjacent storage areas in the Trull Church Community Centre, opened in October 2014, where there is also the Parish Office and The Hive Cafe. In addition we have a number of ‘museum’ artifacts languishing in the shed in the churchyard!
Our collection is now fully catalogued on a computer database, making it easy to locate and retrieve items. We advertise our availability in the Trull Parish Magazine, and mount displays whenever the opportunity presents, as well as responding to enquiries.
Our publications include:
- Where We Used To Meet, a souvenir history of the three historic buildings that were pulled down to make room for the new Church Community Centre. It is a mixture of documented and oral history, and has been very well received.
- We Will Remember Them, a 40-page A4 booklet in full colour recording the family and service histories of all those named on our village War Memorial from the two world wars, published to commemorate the centenary of the original Armistice Day.
- Trull Heritage Trail, a colour leaflet of a walk on local roads and footpaths describing the historic interest of the sites visited.
We are currently working on a new edition of The Story Of Trull, originally the prize-winning entry in the Somerset Federation of Women’s Institutes’ competition to write a village history to commemorate the Queen’s Coronation in 1953.