Community Archives & Heritage Group Conference 2010
A free one-day conference for all involved in community archives
The Community Archives & Heritage Group (CAHG) will be holding its national conference for and about community archives on Wednesday 16 June 2010.
Book your place
Places are limited so book your free place now
Sorry but booking for this conference has now been closed
Sound and Vision
The theme this year is our audio-visual community heritage and will explore issues such as managing oral history projects, sustaining digital archives and using oral and visual archives to engage communities.
Keynote address and news exchange forum
Carole Souter, Chief Executive, Heritage Lottery Fund will give the keynote address. Also following on from the success of last years news exchange forum you will once again have the opportunity to tell everyone what your group has been doing. Three minute slots will be available for groups to highlight their work during two ‘show and tell’ sessions later in the day. A full programme can been downloaded below
Who is the conference for?
The conference is aimed at anyone with an interest in community archives, from professional archivists, librarians, curators and heritage workers to small independent community groups.
The conference will again be co-hosted with University College London, Department of Information Studies and is free to attend.
Community Archive & Heritage Group AGM
CAHG will be holding its annual general meeting during the morning session. Further information about CAHG and an online membership form can be found here
Any questions?
If you have would like to speak during the show and tell session or have any queries about the conference, please contact Elaine Davis
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