Warmington Heritage Group

Warmington Heritage Group gets together about eight times a year in Warmington Village Hall and meetings provide opportunities for members to talk about their current research. Guest speakers and visits are also arranged. The results of members’ research have been made available in several exhibitions held in recent years. It is also intended to make the group’s work available both in book form and on the internet.

The group gathers historical material relating to the parish and immediate locality. A considerable archive of material, drawn from a wide variety of sources, mostly in copied or extracted form, has been built up. The material includes records of church, chapels, local administration, education, probate, property deeds, trades, farming and families. Conserving old photographs and recording the present day, both with the camera and through transcribing oral reminiscences, continue to be an important function of the group.

All activities of the group are open to those with an interest in the history of the area. For a small annual subscription, members receive copies of the minutes and of completed current projects.

This archive entry was last updated on 14/05/2018. Information incorrect or out-of-date?